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Paul Rothwell Songs 2020

Actualizado: 12 jun 2021

Hi Everyone! 

Back in the studio again with Javi recording songs for our next album Paul Rothwell  Songs. 

Since 2014 Paul and Javi have discussed doing an album with just acoustic guitar, vocal and drums. So, at long last we're doing it.

We've already finished the first week of recording and we're off to a great start. 

If we had to describe the recording of our last effort EP in a word it would be “intense”.

So the idea behind Songs is relaxed and informal. Although the common thread tying all of our work together is lo-fi, DYI, this one has that plus a kind of living room-vibe. 

With EP we had the honor of working with two virtuosos, Mick Rossi in NYC and Johnnie Valentino in Los Angeles. 

We'll keep you posted with photos and updates.

Until then, 

All the best from Buenos Aires! 

Paul Rothwell Music @ 2020

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