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Actualizado: 21 feb

Hi Everyone!

First things first.

Thanks to all of you who have been checking in during our long absence from this page.

You've asked for an update, so here it is.
Long story short, the reason for our long absence is that we moved.

And not just across the street, but a thousand miles away, further south, from the Pampas to Patagonia.

Obviously, a move like that is not just about going from one place to another, but to adjusting to a whole new set of people, places, and things. So, naturally, the page itself wasn't on our radar.

As many of you know, our plan after There and Back was to return to NYC and work again with Mick Rossi(Paul Simon, Sting, Randy Newman, Hall and Oates) and Grammy award winning music producer and engineer Dean Sharenow, et al.

The idea was for three more projects. It took a while to put everything together from our end, but by the beginning of 2020 we were ready to contact Mick and, well, then came 2020 itself.

As events unfolded early on in that year, we decided that instead of travelling north to record, we'd move south to live, since we couldn't do both. That meant no more recording for the foreseeable future. Obviously, it was an important decision, one not at all easy to make. But it had to be made, and it was. So here we are!

We've been here for a year and a half already, and though we won't be recording anything new, we thought we'd at least be able to post new videos,etc. But even that has proven difficult. So we thought we'd at least respond to those of you who have reached out to check in, and give you the update that you were kind enough to ask for.

Nati and I are so grateful to all of you for that and for your interest in this page. It means a lot to us.

So, until next time!

Thanks again to all of you!

Paul and Nati

September 30th 2023
Patagonia, Argentina

Just so you all know. Though I haven't deleted my two facebook pages (personal and music) I'm no longer using them. So everything having anything to do with me and the Internet can be found here, or at PRC, and Linkedin.

All the best!
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